thomcat's resolutions

Yeah,so the news is that 2006 is coming. Whoopeedoo...
So, all frickin week long, I've been hearing people asking me(well ok, just one person asked me), "So Thomcat, What are your New Years Resolutions?"
Hell, I don't know, that would mean I need to sets some goals!
Dammit, people, I'm trying to lower the bar of mediocrity here!
Lets start with numero uno ...
1..I will not wipe my cheeto-dusty paws on the clueless couch this year.
2..I will not put icy-hot on my sore joints then scratch myself.
3..I will not stop blogging because of people bitching and moaning about content. If you don't like my shit, that's fine. Just shut your cake hole, and move on. I don't have time for that shit.
4..I will not start another blog, because I can barely keep up with the one I have ... oh shit, I have 3 blogs ?!?!?
5..I will not allow Logo to take another picture of me and Idiot comparing helmets. Again!
6..I will drink, and drink alot. Why? If you are sick without it, may as well be sick and fucking plastered!
7..Aww forget it, I'm going back to 6!
I hope that everyone has a safe and happy new years.
Thom, I have a new idea for a GREAT hnt, gonna be a hit with the ladies!!
Woo hoo # 6!!
Happy New Year!!
LOL.....well thank goodness for resolution number 1, I am getting tired of reupholstering the silk dupioni clueless couch!
Happy New Year, Thom!
Cheers to that!
just make the one resolution i did years ago.....not to make any more resolutions....only one i ever kept
LMAO! sounds good to me ! Thanks again for the invite and for making me a button . :)
I have resolved not to smoke.
That resolution has always worked really well for me.
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