Wednesday, February 15, 2006

In which we find out how the **** this all started.

Because we are benevolent rulers, and in the manner of evil geniuses everywhere, we love to talk about ourselves, we will now enlighten those who have asked, and the rest of you who I am sure were silently wondering, plagued with questions, unable to sleep as you pondered,
How did those clever, witty, charming, and excessively good-looking hijackers all get together?
Well, it goes like this,

In the beginning was the Trivia Madness.
And the Trivia Madness was with Yahoo,
and the Trivia Madness was in Yahoo.
The same was in the beginning with Messenger.
This is eternal worship of the Q and A (All Hail!!) and the ever-present and changing faces of the worshippers lit the darkness of cyberspace for those blessed enough to find their way to this enclave of ecstatic exaltation.
Despite the presence of the occasional vicious trout, the odd lashing out by drunken devotees, and the annoyances caused by intercontinental idiocy, it was a good cult.
There were inherent difficulties, sometimes the face of our god was darkened and access to the worship chamber was impossible. On these occasions we would huddle together in PM boxes, holding a vigil and awaiting the moment when the wrath of Yahoo would be slaked and we could again continue our joyous rituals.
Part of the beauty of this sect was that in addition to common love for our triune diety (Yahoo, Trivia Madness and Messenger, they are all one, yet separate. I know it is a difficult concept but if you are interested they have missionaries who would love to discuss in more depth), we found solace and frierndship among our fellow disciples.We found other people who knew and longed to find others who knew that Lake Titicaca is the highest navigable lake.
Why? Why bother to know this?
Those who would ask such questions were rarely members of our beloved and blessed faith.
But our world began to change.
We could feel it in the datastream, we could feel it in the network, we could smell it in the ether.
A lovely and enlightened redheaded emmisary appeared to one who was ready.
She opened his mind to a new way, a more complete understanding of reality and our place in it.
BS was ready, and boldly commenced his journey toward a natural, pure state of consciousness.
He began a blog, and saw that it was good.
With the excitement of all recent converts he quickly proselytized Breazy and Swami Thomas, guru of blogging thomcats.
Soon Snavylyn and Susie joined their ranks.
The transcendant truth was spreading.
Eventually the dawdlers, Lime, Logophile, and even the Village Idiot, were devotees as well.
Conversion can be a trying time, learning to format, to post, anything anyone will teach you.
Add to those issues, that some struggled with reconciling this new doctrine and our previous beliefs.
So we banded together, and hijacked a blog where our love of all things paltry, petty, and piddling (trivial) could be celebrated.
Some of us have understood how our former faith can be incorporated into our fulfilled ideology.
We are all thankful to the Infinite Divine for having brought us together so that we could inflict ourselves upon you.
Please don your beads and join us in our mantra:

Hijackin Krazies, Hijackin Krazies
Krazy Krazy
Hurray Hurray Hurray
Remarkable Hijackers
Really Ridiculous Rabble
Hurray Hurray

Thank you for joining us, gifts of cash and chocolate are being accepted, blessings on you all.


Blogger Breazy said...

very lovely job of explaining there Logo! :) Happy Hump Day !

2/14/06, 11:10 PM  
Blogger S said...

Please come to our free feast of hummus and pita, join us, we are waiting.....

2/14/06, 11:20 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...


My name is Snavy and I support Logo who approved this messege.

Ooooo... we have hummus??? It just keeps getting better!!!

2/15/06, 9:12 AM  
Blogger Bsoholic said...

Hummus?? really? Why was I not informed.

2/15/06, 10:04 AM  
Blogger lime said...

i really prefer tabouleh.

i don't have to get into the lotus position do i? i may get in but ain't no way i'd get out without help.

2/15/06, 10:07 AM  
Blogger Thomcat said...

Hijackin Krazies, Hijackin Krazies
Krazy Krazy
Hurray Hurray Hurray
Remarkable Hijackers
Really Ridiculous Rabble
Hurray Hurray


2/15/06, 11:11 AM  
Blogger Thomcat said...

btw - i put the 'extremely' into the extremely good looking.

2/15/06, 11:12 AM  
Blogger S said...

Ok everyone, bring me all your white sheets, I have a batch of saffron dye ready here....we gotta get us all oranged out by tomorrow......

2/15/06, 11:25 AM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Hey Thom???


Since when is a 5 considered 'extremely'????

2/15/06, 12:05 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

And, btw - YOU were the one who told me you were a 5.

2/15/06, 12:09 PM  
Blogger The Village Idiot said...

Saffron Robes.....Funny Bare should mention that...I found an archive pic..from the dim past. Perhaps I should post it

2/15/06, 2:40 PM  
Blogger DaMasta said...

All I heard was "feet".

OooOoH.. feast.

Much better.


2/15/06, 3:45 PM  
Blogger Miss Innocent said...

LMFAO over here! Hey Snavs- he told u "5"? U must have caught him on a good is usually in the 3-4 range.

I however, give him a 9.5..nobody is perfect after all! Hehe

And mwuhahahaha to u all!

2/15/06, 4:10 PM  
Blogger Kyahgirl said...

lovely story :-)

you are a great group of Krazies!!

2/15/06, 8:38 PM  

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