A dramatic HNT
fire burn and cauldron bubble
Have a care and be on guard
The hijackers have gone to the bard.
"O happy dagger!
This is thy sheath: there rust, and let me die."
"Alas, poor Yorrick! I knew him, Horatio.."
Our Hamlet is a modern kinda guy, well photoshopped, BS!
"Out of this wood do not desire to go: Thou shalt remain here, whether thou wilt or no. I am a spirit of no common rate; The summer still doth tend upon my state; And I do love thee: therefore, go with me; I'll give thee fairies to attend on thee..."
Titania and Bottom certainly looked happy together, don't they?
"But screw your courage to the sticking place and we'll not fail."
Our sweet Breazy as Lady Macbeth
She doesn't usually seem like a murdering schemer, does she?
From Shakespeare's "Tarentino phase" we have Lavinia, of Titus Andronicus.
Losing your hands and tongue can really spoil your day.
"A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse!
Frau Blucher (neeeeigh)
The Idiot as Richard III a la his other favorite hunchback.
Well, Happy HNT, everybody, hope your day goes better than ours!
Oh bloody hell! We are so damn funny I can't even stand it! Happy HNT everyone!
great job assembling logo! i hope you appreciate that i nearly did drown shooting this! LOL happy HNT to all my Krazy fellow hijackers!
what a ragged crew of thespians!
ok now..everyone with hands..start untying the rope...that one was for you Logo
I can't stop laughing at this. This one was is one your best guys! Congratulations on a job well done.
Happy HNT to one and all!
Excellent photos!
They are great!
Thanks Lime, Blogger was kicking my ass, glad it finally worked.
And glad you survived the experience.
Idiot, thank you so very much.
OMG!! Very cool fellow hijackers!! Great job Logo!!!
Happy HNT to Thee!!
This is totally fantastic! Cheers and Happy HNT!
You guys are freaking awesome! I love your posts. Consistent excellence week to week. How about detective movies or a Humphry Bogart/Sam Spade theme one week. Love it! HHNT
LOL Always fun.
hey guys, i think tommy gunn has a groovy idea!
Marvelous! Thanks Logo ! I am going to be laughing this time next week over this hnt! Happy HNT!
Alas mine virtual friends
You borrow heavily from the bard
On this day's communique
Methinks you burned forth
And impressed the endless soul
Spirit of Shakespeare lovers
In other words, you guys fuckin' rock! Happy HNT!
Someone loan me a trenchcoat and a beret for nest week! :P
LOL, What did Idiot call us? Oh, oh THesbians, that's cool. Heh heh
happy HNT gang
I so am not a lesbian, Idiot....ohhhhh thespian! Har har!
whats a few letters between friends
th, L, B, its all good!!!!
I don't know whats making me laugh more... the shots (which were artistic & fantistic, btw BRAVO!!!)
or these comments!!
Great job, you truly are TH- oh hell, - what idiot said. lol
everyone looks grrrrreat!
happy hnt everyone!
HAAAAAAA You guys are great!
OMG, too funny!
Yes, very dramatic!
Happy HNT!
very dramatic! happy hnt.
fabulous! once again i am not only treated to a giggle, but am intellectually and artistically stimulated too! thank you kind players. jolly good show*
Prithee, wherefore art my ass? Yoiks sirrah! It hath falleth off through an over abundance of hilarity!(LMAO...in other words!!...with apologies to the bard!)
Finally, a blog "of infinite jest"...
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