And now For Something Completely Different
Open Letter To EARL
We at the ACLU( American Crossdressing Lumberjack Union ) have recently learned of the apparent imbalance of Alpaca usage in the production of blogs of quality. We of the ACLU feel a deep connection with the oft misunderstood alpaca. Being a lumberjack is difficult enough, try leaping from tree to tree in a dress/corset/and heels.
While Lime's incontinence is regrettable, we see no correlation between the usage of alpacas to write blogs and how many times Ms.Lime loses bladder control. It seems that outrageous housing costs and open hostility towards alpacas has lead to an alpaca migration of heretofore unseen proportions. Much like the unexplained epidemic in England when everyone became a Scotsman in the late 60's, leaving the Entire Country a veritable ghost town.
We of the ACLU realize that Lime and Snav man not be actively invloved in the systematic mistreatment of alpacas, one hiring attempt does not excuse a lifetime of turning a blind eye to the ongoing repression of alpacas.
Here, on the West Coast, the ACLU has created a warm and welcoming environment where both llamas and alpacas are free to live and clothe themselves as the gender of their choice in a mild climate where people are not being so critical of cultural differences vis. spitting.
many of my best friends are Alpacas and only a few of them are transvestites.
Paul Charles Bunyan(Mrs.) Lumberjack
We at the ACLU( American Crossdressing Lumberjack Union ) have recently learned of the apparent imbalance of Alpaca usage in the production of blogs of quality. We of the ACLU feel a deep connection with the oft misunderstood alpaca. Being a lumberjack is difficult enough, try leaping from tree to tree in a dress/corset/and heels.
While Lime's incontinence is regrettable, we see no correlation between the usage of alpacas to write blogs and how many times Ms.Lime loses bladder control. It seems that outrageous housing costs and open hostility towards alpacas has lead to an alpaca migration of heretofore unseen proportions. Much like the unexplained epidemic in England when everyone became a Scotsman in the late 60's, leaving the Entire Country a veritable ghost town.
We of the ACLU realize that Lime and Snav man not be actively invloved in the systematic mistreatment of alpacas, one hiring attempt does not excuse a lifetime of turning a blind eye to the ongoing repression of alpacas.
Here, on the West Coast, the ACLU has created a warm and welcoming environment where both llamas and alpacas are free to live and clothe themselves as the gender of their choice in a mild climate where people are not being so critical of cultural differences vis. spitting.
many of my best friends are Alpacas and only a few of them are transvestites.
Paul Charles Bunyan(Mrs.) Lumberjack
In my position as the spokesperson for the Equal Representation League for Alpacas I would like to point out to the member of EARL that we at the ERLA appreciate anyone who will support Alpacas and urge equal access and fair treatment we are not officially affiliated with either the UCLA or Paul Charles Bunyan (Mrs).
I would also like to point out that the existence of APES has never been proven and in fact appears to be an invention of those who wish to shift blame from their own discriminatory practices.
We at ERLA are not, at this time, claiming any proveable misconduct on the part of Ms. Lime or Ms. Snav we merely urge everyone to increase their awareness of these issues and do their part to make sure alpacas are accepted as full members of the American animal society.
You guys never fail to crack my effin ass up. I'm for an unlimited hunting season on Llamas and Alpacas. It's th only way to manage the population and besides ... I hear they taste like chicken.
Good for nuthin but sweaters, ya are!
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