As per request and in the tradition of the Krazy Hijackers....Logo is receiving Jason Statham for her birthday. Do enjoy him Logo, dear.

Sssssshhhhhh, don't tell anyone she's getting two nekkid men....LL Cool J said he'd stop by later, after, Jason is all worn out....

Happy birthday, Logo. Have fun!!

Sssssshhhhhh, don't tell anyone she's getting two nekkid men....LL Cool J said he'd stop by later, after, Jason is all worn out....

Happy birthday, Logo. Have fun!!
Oh yeah, baby, I LOVE birthday time!
Thanks, Limey, you're the best!
anything for you logo, baby. you rock the house!
Limey gets the best gifts!!!
OMG I feel sooo old...who is this Jason person??????
WHatever! As long as he makes you happy...can I borrow LL for awhile?
thank you snavy....i hoep everyone remembers my efforts for their burthdays when oct 12 rolls around, hehehehehe j/k
it is my pleasure to make you all happy. i know breazy has ordered matthew mcconaughy or however it's spelled. i need a reminder of when her birthday is though...
Could someone please tell me who this Jason person is?
Oh! And BTW Happy Birthday again Missy
Don't look now, but bachelor #1 seems to have sprouted an extra nipple. O_O
haha! happy b-day logo (a day late it seems)
I love this, great one Lime.
I like this Stratham fellow...not too shabby.
And LL is all that and a bag of chips.
Happy Birthday Logo! Sorry I am a couple days late! I hope your day was all you wanted it to be!
wowza! jason s. looks kinda like mr logo, eh? hmmm no wonder she likes him ;)
shhhhhh.. i won't tell..
Great blog.
I like the blog too.
YOU are getting linked.
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