Friday, February 23, 2007
Sunday, February 18, 2007
As per request and in the tradition of the Krazy Hijackers....Logo is receiving Jason Statham for her birthday. Do enjoy him Logo, dear.

Sssssshhhhhh, don't tell anyone she's getting two nekkid men....LL Cool J said he'd stop by later, after, Jason is all worn out....

Happy birthday, Logo. Have fun!!

Sssssshhhhhh, don't tell anyone she's getting two nekkid men....LL Cool J said he'd stop by later, after, Jason is all worn out....

Happy birthday, Logo. Have fun!!
Friday, February 02, 2007
There was a young man from Nantucket...
I think its time we had a post over here so I thought I would dedicate this one to the beauty of poetic self expression.
What better possible way could there be than to write or share some limericks?
Here is some background on Limericks:
A limerick is a five-line poem with a strict meter. The rhyme scheme is usually "A-A-B-B-A". The first, second, and fifth lines are three meterical feet; the third and fourth two metrical feet. However, many substitutions are common.
The first line traditionally introduces a person and a location, and usually ends with the name of the location, though sometimes with that of the person. A true limerick is supposed to have a kind of twist to it. This may lie in the final line, or it may lie in the way the rhymes are often intentionally tortured, or in both. Though not a strict requirement, many limericks are usually those that additionally show some form of internal rhyme, often alliteration, sometimes assonance or another form of rhyme.
Now that we have THAT out of the way...
There was a fair maiden of Exeter,
So pretty that guys craned their necks at her.
One was even so brave
as to take out and wave
The distinguishing mark of his sex at her.
A decrepit old gas man named Peter,
While hunting around for the meter,
Touched a leak with his light.
He arose out of sight,
And, as anyone can see by reading this, he also destroyed the meter.
A limerick fan from Australia
Regarded his work as a failure:
His verses were fine
Until the fourth line.
There was an Old Man of Nantucket
Who kept all his cash in a bucket
His daughter, named Nan,
Ran away with a man--
And, as for the bucket, Nantucket.
Alright, people, show me whatcha got!
What better possible way could there be than to write or share some limericks?
Here is some background on Limericks:
A limerick is a five-line poem with a strict meter. The rhyme scheme is usually "A-A-B-B-A". The first, second, and fifth lines are three meterical feet; the third and fourth two metrical feet. However, many substitutions are common.
The first line traditionally introduces a person and a location, and usually ends with the name of the location, though sometimes with that of the person. A true limerick is supposed to have a kind of twist to it. This may lie in the final line, or it may lie in the way the rhymes are often intentionally tortured, or in both. Though not a strict requirement, many limericks are usually those that additionally show some form of internal rhyme, often alliteration, sometimes assonance or another form of rhyme.
Now that we have THAT out of the way...
There was a fair maiden of Exeter,
So pretty that guys craned their necks at her.
One was even so brave
as to take out and wave
The distinguishing mark of his sex at her.
A decrepit old gas man named Peter,
While hunting around for the meter,
Touched a leak with his light.
He arose out of sight,
And, as anyone can see by reading this, he also destroyed the meter.
A limerick fan from Australia
Regarded his work as a failure:
His verses were fine
Until the fourth line.
There was an Old Man of Nantucket
Who kept all his cash in a bucket
His daughter, named Nan,
Ran away with a man--
And, as for the bucket, Nantucket.
Alright, people, show me whatcha got!